Table of Contents

  1. Reading Material

5. Reading Material

Works are ordered by date.

Error Forward-Propagation: Reusing Feedforward Connections to Propagate Errors in Deep Learning
arxiv preprint (2018)

Signal Propagation: A Framework for Learning and Inference In a Forward Pass
arxiv preprint (2022)

Forward Forward Algorithm
preprint (2022)

Predictive Forward-Forward Algorithm
arxiv preprint 2022

5.1 Other Material

A well written guide on spatial and temporal credit assignment. I used it to help write this post.
Training Spiking Neural Networks using lessons from deep learning

The library is available at .

With Thanks to: Alexandra Marmarinos for her editing work and guidance. (Add additional editors).


[1] Image of 7 from MNIST dataset,
[2] Images of dogs, horses, and frogs from CIFAR Dataset,; or from Upsplash